Raindrops on roses …

Blooming kids!  I was just about to sit down and start my blog when one of the boys decided that I had to sew buttons and badges onto his uniform – NOW!  Typical.

Anyway, … these are a few of my favourite things.  Does Julie Andrews sing about blogs? Err – maybe not.  I have spent a bit of time over the last couple of days trying to think of a really original Web 2 ‘thing’ to impress everyone with but when it comes down to it my favourite has to be the good old blog.

I must admit I think I am a real convert.  I have really enjoyed blogging about what I have done and might even carry on when this project is over – I just need to find something to blog about!  I find that I need to have a purpose to get me to do things like this – I couldn’t just sit down and think ‘Right, what’ve I done that’s worth blogging about?’ because really I don’t think there is much all that interesting to other people about the stuff I do.

During assignments in the past I have struggled with the reflection part of the work.  Having a focus each time I come onto the computer has helped me to reflect at the time of the task at hand instead of in the last couple of days before my assignment is due.  And in doing this I have thought more about what I have been doing, why and which theory it represents which has resulted in a feeling of increased learning.  Instead of just reading an article and forgetting about it, seeing my colleagues repeatedly referring to the article has reinforced the message into my brain.  See?  I would never have thought of all this stuff if I wasn’t sat here thinking what to tell you guys.  There is actually stuff rattling around in my head that I don’t realize or think about, but putting it down on ‘paper’ is helping to draw it out.  I finally get reflection!

So what theories does this cover?  I don’t know – its too late, I have a cat trying to sit on my laptop, a son trying to delete my first paragraph and another son making disparaging remarks about my blog.  I will think about that tomorrow.

See you all tomorrow  😀

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